£60M for North Devon link road welcomed

£60M for North Devon link road welcomed

  Peninsula Transport has welcomed the news that the government will provide £60M of funding for the North Devon Link Road. Drivers, businesses and residents in North Devon will soon benefit from a multi-million-pound road upgrade set to get underway this month...
New Study marks major milestone

New Study marks major milestone

A major milestone has been reached by Peninsula Transport with the publication, today, of the Economic Connectivity Study (ECS). The ECS provides a thorough study of the economic issues in the Peninsula and the strategic transport corridors which form the backbone of...
National Bike week 6-14 June

National Bike week 6-14 June

Now is the time to get cycling in the Peninsula.    Large numbers of people have been getting out and about on their bikes to get their daily exercise via lockdown and yet more are now using their bike to get to work.   Peninsula Transport Chairman, Cllr Geoff Brown...
Travel guidance for return to work

Travel guidance for return to work

Peninsula Transport has welcomed the new government guidance for people who cannot work from home as they start to return to work. The government has asked those who are returning to work to walk, cycle or use their car and avoid using public transport unless...