Our team

Peninsula Transport Board

The Peninsula Transport Board is the decision making body for the STB. Board meetings are held every quarter and are open to the public. The Board has an agreed constitution and consists of the lead elected members for transport for each of the authorities: Cllr Richard Williams-Pears (Cornwall Council), Cllr Andrea Davis (Devon County Council), Cllr Mark Coker (Plymouth City Council), Cllr Richard Wilkins (Somerset Council) and Cllr Adam Billings (Torbay Council). Cllr Mark Coker is the Chair and Cllr Richard Wilkins is Vice-Chair. 


Directors group

A senior officers group supports the Board and consists of the lead transport officers for each authority. These are:  Vicky Fraser (Cornwall Council), Jamie Hulland (Devon County Council), Kevin Mowat (Torbay Council), Paul Barnard (Plymouth City Council) and Michele Cusack (Somerset Council).


Project management

A number of technical transport officers work to the senior officer group. They are responsible for delivering the work programme on a day-to-day basis with financial, secretarial, communications and governance support.