Partner organisations
We work closely with co-opted members and key stakeholders from the private and public sector, as well as our neighbouring STB, Western Gateway, in order to define and deliver the strategic transport priorities for most of South West England.
Co-opted members
Co-opted members support the five local transport authorities through collaborative relationships to ensure a joined up approach to transforming the region.
Our co-opted members include; the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, National Highways, Homes England and Network Rail, the Isles of Scilly Council, as well as the neighbouring STB, Western Gateway.
Transport Forum
The Transport Forum is a stakeholder advisory group, chaired by Richard Stevens, Managing Director of Go South West.
The Forum helps inform the work of Peninsula Transport and is made up of representatives from key stakeholder groups including business, transport operators across train, bus, coach, port, airport and freight sectors, Sustrans and passenger/road user groups.
The Transport Forum meets three times a year and has clear terms of reference. A wider transport user event is held annually to provide representation from district, town and parish councils, as well as community groups. It also provides an opportunity to feed into Peninsula Transport.
Other STBs
Sub-national Transport Bodies (STBs) have a significant role in identifying and developing a long-term pipeline of projects, helping to boost economic growth at a regional and national scale. The Government has tasked each STB with the development of a transport strategy, helping to identify how best to invest in transport within their region.
There are seven STB’s across England in total and we work together through the national STB Liaison Group across areas of common interest. Other STBs are: